Monday, October 10, 2011

learning to trust

if there is a force that is magical enough to make cinerarias then what the hell can it do with me!

I have been thinking about trust since i unleashed Reframing Your Story onto the world

It has been graciously recieved

and then my first call was looming

and i really wanted to say to the world that it was all a big mistake and that everyone could go home because nothing was happening here...

i was totally out of trust

then i went to my friends at the amazing SARK Forum (seriously if you are not there it is a garden of goodness)

and my friends trusted me for long enough that i began to remember what that felt like

and the speed wobbles went away

you see i had all this pressure on myself that i would have to produce this magic

that i would have to be on

that i would have to be perfect at it

and i realise that is not what it is at all

i just have to be clear

and i just have to trust that it will come

a very bill durham thing to say (the feild of dreams - a movie well worth watching!)

that i just have to turn up with my eyes and my ears and my heart wide open

and i did

and magic happened

today i got another client (my third WOOO HOOO!!!) and this woman is a bonafide miracle worker and i got all intimidated by reading her website

but i just have to sit back in the place of trust

because the more i stand aside - get out of my own bloody way - the more magic is free to come

and the more i get to enjoy the ride

Friday, October 7, 2011

Well, i unleashed my dream onto an unsuspecting planet

and it was so well recieved

- thank you, my friends!

And now i have MY FIRST PAYING CLIENT!!!!!



Truely all the gremlins, the inner demons, the Resistance, the inner complexes, the negativity...

they have all banded together and they are doing the haka at the door to my heart...

it is the Rugby world cup of mean here

will the magic come?

will i be guided?

who am i to do this, to take someone's precious and often wounded story and make it into something beautiful enough to sustain them?

who do i think i am?

Well i am Jane.

I am a 46 year old who is on the right track

and i have been whispered this far down the path

i am trusting the whispers will keep coming...

so my heart does a pukana

and it readies itself for saturday morning when i make my first call

aue aue aue ha!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the girl effect

i am joining in the blog-o-sphere's campaign to raise awareness about the girl effect

if girls are supported to make a difference in their world they can change the world

Girls like Sunchita can help their families. This means a change in a girl's life helps a boy, like Sunchita is helping her brother. It helps her parents, they don't have to commit to such labour intensive work in their aging years.

Girls like Sunchita lift their communities out of poverty and the break the cycle of disadvantage.

Girls like Sunchita could be the ones to shift paradigms, to provoke change, to allieviate suffering.

If Girls like Sunchita go on to have families they will empower their children to live under different thought patterns, they will change the world their children grow up in. They will change the world.

Our family sponsor a girl, Lipi,who like Sunchita, lives in Bangladesh.

We chose her as a child to sponsor because she was the same age as our eldest child, Eila. Eila is now in year 6, her final year at primary school and will be going to Intermediate next year. She is acheiving in all areas of her schooling above her age group. She is a strong healthy girl.

Lipi on the other hand is in year 3 at her school... She has to collect water and help with the stock and this gets in the way of her schooling. She is small and thin.

As Eila is advantaged by growing up where she has the priviledges she does, Lipi is disadvantaged purely by where she was born

Interestingly after i had written the bulk of this blog post i recieved a progress letter from Lipi. She is connected by World Vision to us... but she is connected by being a young woman, growing into a world of uncertainty and change, just as my girls are. But with the gift of knowledge and mastery of the written word and mathematics Eila's possibilities are so much wider.

Is this fair?
Is this right?
Is this appropriate?


But it is what it is..

If Sunchita can be a role model, girls like Lipi may see another way and be able to reach for that path.

Please support the girl effect by blogging about it follow this link to make that happen or

Monday, October 3, 2011


Earlier this year i did an amazing course with Andrea of ABCCreativity called "THE CREATIVE DREAM INCUBATOR"

Andrea lead a group of us on an adventure into dreaming past our boundaries and i found that i had a dream i did not even know i had

And i am proud to announce it here to you my friends

It is called Reframing your Story.

Reframing is a technique used to help people reimagine their story.

I am a deep believer in the power of story - the power of story to harm, to heal, to light the way through the darkness.

To see another possibility in the story we tell ourselves over and over, until we believe it is true.

Some of those stories are invented by other people.

Some of those stories no longer serve us.

Reframing your Story is my offering to the world.

It combines art, faery tale and story. 3 of my great loves...

I have created this website where all who are tired of the story they tell themselves can come.

The way it works is we make contact, you tell me the story you want to change and depending on the option you choose...

i will make up a new story for you and produce an artwork on the theme of your new story ...

SO TO CELEBRATE PLEASE GO TO THE GIVEAWAYS AND OTHER MAGIC part of the website (It is under more... but please have a look around - it is a faerietale inspired playground !!!!) , tell me why you would like to reframe your story and leave a contact email and i will choose a winner on the 25th of October -

please tell your friends and increase your good karma!

and thank you for supporting me to be brave enough to do this....

having you come here and see me through has made a huge difference!

with love and lots of jiggling


Sunday, October 2, 2011

the more

the more i surrender

the more i become part of something way more powerful

than i could ever be on my own....