Monday, October 10, 2011

learning to trust

if there is a force that is magical enough to make cinerarias then what the hell can it do with me!

I have been thinking about trust since i unleashed Reframing Your Story onto the world

It has been graciously recieved

and then my first call was looming

and i really wanted to say to the world that it was all a big mistake and that everyone could go home because nothing was happening here...

i was totally out of trust

then i went to my friends at the amazing SARK Forum (seriously if you are not there it is a garden of goodness)

and my friends trusted me for long enough that i began to remember what that felt like

and the speed wobbles went away

you see i had all this pressure on myself that i would have to produce this magic

that i would have to be on

that i would have to be perfect at it

and i realise that is not what it is at all

i just have to be clear

and i just have to trust that it will come

a very bill durham thing to say (the feild of dreams - a movie well worth watching!)

that i just have to turn up with my eyes and my ears and my heart wide open

and i did

and magic happened

today i got another client (my third WOOO HOOO!!!) and this woman is a bonafide miracle worker and i got all intimidated by reading her website

but i just have to sit back in the place of trust

because the more i stand aside - get out of my own bloody way - the more magic is free to come

and the more i get to enjoy the ride


  1. "and i really wanted to say to the world that it was all a big mistake and that everyone could go home because nothing was happening here..."

    but the fire had been lit within your heart and once that fire has been lit, once you see how brightly its flames can burn and feel the warmth of its embers within your soul, you can never go back to the time it didn't exist and be satisfied.

    Speaking of Field of Dreams, that's where my mantra (sometimes whispered and sometimes shouted) comes from: "If you build it they will come....."

    You built it and they came. Play ball Big Juicy Jane - play ball.


  2. Yes! This is big-girl knicker time LOL

  3. i am so in awe of what you are doing ... you are blooming in your lovely, unique, heart gorgeous way. Have you looked back to see where you've been? Because it is A-MAZING!!

    You are my hero - oh, right, you are already a Joy Warrior!

    xo Lis

  4. i am loving what you said -
    "because the more i stand aside - get out of my own bloody way - the more magic is free to come".

    so true, we totally block ourselves with all our worries and fears and so forth. thank you for the inspiration to let go again. ♥

    saw your reframing page on fb via bone sigh and was intrigued. good luck! lovely idea!

  5. So proud of you and inspired by you, Jane.

  6. Thanks you sharing... I need to get out of "my own bloody way". I need to hang that on my inspiration wall. Much love

  7. Wonderful and so exciting and inspiring and thrilling and everything good to see your dream becoming a real positive powerful thing that changes people's lives. You are stunningly inspiringly fabulous. :)
