Wednesday, April 8, 2009

when skin is too thin

i had my consternation at the way my soul reacted to the world... the extremes of joy, pleasure, sadness and horror... explained to me by a very kind woman as "having one layer of skin too few".

That resonated with me so deeply.

It helped explain why things were just that much more easily impressed on my soul than on those around me.

It helped me see how i needed to show a little more care for my self.

It helped me see how i couldn't expect those feelings replicated in others.....

It has supported self acceptance.

And now i have two little girls who have a layer of skin too few.

One who is basically sanguine. Who loves to laugh, who sees the good in things.

And one who is MElancholic (the two capitals were on purpose - just to announce how strongly this word features in her being).

And to watch them go out into the world with that tenderness is squeezing my heart today. I am seeing them feel the world so big and so intruding in a way...

I can't fight their battles, nor can i protect them with magic in the way i wish i could...

I talk, sometimes too much,

i love, sometimes too strong,

I care, sometimes about the wrong thing...

i KNOW this condition brings gifts... I know i have alot to offer the world because of my skinthinness...

and so will they...

it is just what scars will they bear before they can walk tall with it....

their beauty is too luminescent for scars

(*please God/Goddess/All that is, make the scars a thing of beauty too*)

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