Friday, July 24, 2009

good ole Universe is at it again

You know when the universe gives you lots of opportunities to see the patterns which are holding you up?

You know when there are the patterns which make you feel small and diminished and less than maginificent.

And the universe sees you struggling with them and thinks (in an entirely benificent and loving way)

(to be read in an appropriately regal and holy and Universey kinda voice)

"Righto, i had better give this lovely soul the chance to see this clearly and sweep it out of her cells before it does any more damage... Now what can i do to highlight the crap pattern to make it so obvious that it is damaging and wrong ... oh yes i could arrange some conflicts of interest, throw up some mirror figures... Oh and what about someone using the same words even that poke her cage...NIIIIIIIICE!"

and then the shit hits the fan

and then you have to live through a week or so of tough stuff before you remember and start practising some of the good work your brain knows (coz you have read all the books right???) and your heart and cells start to agree that you could take some of this new stuff on coz it is better than the old crappy stuff you somehow keep using....

and then the sun starts shining???

and then the world is a better place again????

well that's kinda been the last few days!

hoping you have the wisdom to make the change without the universe having to get involved!


  1. smiling at you too bobbie! hope the universe is smiling bright at you today xx

  2. I totally get this. I get this a whole lot. :-)

  3. thankz Brandilisious - ooo i have missed you being around - looking forward to hearing about you cavorting with Elvis.... i have had some interesting insights into this phenomenon - and ABC and Mountain Goddess have me thinking about how i am perhaps diminishing my power by thinking it is the Universe delivering this message

    when in fact it is me amplifying my beleif - manifesting my inner thoughts into my outer world....

    my head hurts just thinking about it

    glad i manifested you and my heart shaped potatoe though!
