Tara Hunt
The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your Business
Prompt: Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?
well i didn't travel as much as i would like around this planet...
unless of course you count the internet
which actually i do. because of the truth of the connections i find and how people from the other side of the planet have swelled my heart in a truely life changing way.
i have travelled internally - towards my richer truer self.
that has been my travel this year - into my creativity, into my courage.
and next year HOLY MOLY
I want to be in Sedona for the BIG girls' get together... i want to be in South Africa, and see table mountain and Daryl's face again. I want to walk into Dani's shop and see her face. I want to go to High Valley and sing with Elizabeth.
that is where i want to travel in 2011.
So Mote it Be! See you in 2011!